Angelina Jolie Cancer Preventative Surgeries In Vain: Still Smokes Cigarettes Every Day?

Angelina Jolie Cancer Preventative Surgeries In Vain: Still Smokes Cigarettes Every Day?

Angelina Jolie smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and has no intention of quitting anytime soon according to a recent report. Angelina Jolie recently underwent a series of preventative surgeries to try and prevent herself from being stricken with deadly cancers like her mother Marcheline Bertrand. After learning that she carried the mutated gene that ran prevalent in women with breast cancer, she opted to have her breasts removed. A few months later Jolie went back under the knife and had her fallopian tubes and ovaries removed as well – another preventative measure. Angelina obviously wants to live a long healthy life and be there to raise her six kids, but she refuses to quit smoking.

The April 20 edition of GLOBE Magazine reveals that not only does Angelina Jolie “smoke like a chimney and have no intention of quitting,” but her doting husband Brad Pitt actually supplies her with more cigarettes to ensure she never runs out and continuously feeds her unhealthy habit. GLOBE’s editorial page expressed (and we can’t say that we disagree), “If you ask me it would have been easier to skip the surgery and cut out cigarettes. This way she would only be killing herself with cancer and not exposing others to her deadly second-hand smoke.”

GLOBE’s editorial went on to joke that, “something just ain’t ticking right with this lady,” and we are inclined to agree. If you are that concerned about living a long and healthy life and sticking around to raise your children that you are willing to give up your breasts, ovaries, and fallopian tubes – why are you not willing to give up cigarettes? We know how hard it is to quit smoking after doing so half your life, we aren’t naïve to the addictive pull cancer sticks have on people. But, seriously? If your doctor asked you which you would rather have – your breasts or your cigarettes, you would choose your cigarettes?!

What do you think of Angelina’s brave surgeries to prevent cancer? Are her efforts rendered null and void if she is still smoking? Would you choose cigarettes over your breasts or ovaries? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

FameFlynet: Angelina Jolie
