List of players for the 2023 season, transfers, and more

Not content with being national champions, UConn basketball recruiting has pulled way ahead of its competitors. They recruited what is considered a top 5 class of 2023 and are already wooing the class of 2024.

Coach Dan Hurley has built a reputation as a stellar recruiter over the years who also offers an instant winning pedigree.

After losing Andre Jackson Jr., Jordan Hawkins and Adama Sanogo to the NBA draft, many programs would have stumbled, but due to UConn basketball recruiting, Hurley has the seeds of another potential title run next season.

He commented matter-of-factly on the foresight to conclude their recruiting early.

“This is why,” Hurley noted, “we went out and invested the time in the 2023 class.”

Solomon Ball, Jaylin Stewart, Youssouf Singare, Stephon Castle and Jayden Ross. That's the No. 3 ranked class nationally that was delivered to Hurley due to UConn's basketball recruiting department.

Stephon Castle, the most highly rated of the five, is a McDonald's All-American and is ranked No. 8 in his class by 247 Sports.

Is UConn basketball recruiting building a dynasty?

The recruitment of UConn's class of 2023 was concluded by September last year, which was way ahead of their rivals. Then coach Hurley went ahead and won the national championship at a canter before revving the engines for the class of 2024.

The latest prospect to commit to UConn is 6-foot-1 combo guard Ahmad Nowell of Imhotep Chapter, Philadelphia. He is a four-star recruit and is ranked No. 40 nationally among the class of 2024.

Nowell shot 41.1% from deep and his sheer intensity in defense makes him a useful player to have on the roster. He has shown a lot of potential to facilitate play for his teammates with inventive passing.

UConn basketball recruiting beat out Tennessee and Kentucky for Nowell's commitment. Kentucky's head coach, John Calipari, even extended an offer to Nowell personally, and yet, he still opted for the Huskies.

Before that, 6-foot-7 wing Isaiah Abraham was recruited after a stellar Peach Jam campaign where he led Team Takeover to the 17U title. He is ranked No. 79 by ESPN in his class. Clearly, all the tools are there for the emergence of a dynasty at UConn.

Luckily for Huskies' fans, Dan Hurley doesn't seem satisfied with just the one championship. Immediately after he won it, he was already focused on the next one. He said:

“The program was in a bad way and they needed somebody that could come in here and prove themselves to be an elite coach that could get the program back to this level. Now we start to build our own trophy case.”

Undoubtedly, UConn basketball recruiting already has an eye on the supremely talented class of 2025 which contains prospects like Cooper Flagg and Cameron Boozer.

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