Rugby or polo for example

•That which diverts, and makes mirth; pastime; amusement.•Mock; mockery; contemptuous mirth; derision.•That with which one plays, or which is driven about in play; a toy; a plaything; an object of mockery.•Play; idle jingle.•Diversion of the field, as fowling, hunting, fishing, racing, games, and the like, esp. when money is staked.•A plant or an animal, or part of a plant or animal, which has some peculiarity not usually seen in the species; an abnormal variety or growth. See Sporting plant, under Sporting.•A sportsman; a gambler.•To play; to frolic; to wanton.•To practice the diversions of the field or the turf; to be given to betting, as upon races.•To trifle.•To assume suddenly a new and different character from the rest of the plant or from the type of the species; -- said of a bud, shoot, plant, or animal. See Sport, n., 6.•To divert; to amuse; to make merry; -- used with the reciprocal pronoun.•To represent by any knd of play.•To exhibit, or bring out, in public; to use or wear; as, to sport a new equipage.•To give utterance to in a sportive manner; to throw out in an easy and copious manner; -- with off; as, to sport off epigrams.
