When Joe Rogan sampled various Buffalo Trace whiskeys

It's no secret that Joe Rogan loves an occasional glass of whiskey. To the podcaster's surprise, during episode #1602 of The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE), he was treated to a whiskey tasting session by former MMA fighter Justin Wren.

Thanking Rogan for choosing his non-profit, Fight For the Forgotten as Forgotten, as his charity of choice, Wren and his team decided to gift the UFC commentator a barrel of the Buffalo Trace Whiskey.

During the segment, Wren told Rogan:

"You and your team picked Fight for the Forgotten, my non-profit as charity of choice with Buffalo Trace... We thought about it and we thought what about if we could get a barrel from Buffalo Trace and we give it to Joe?"

Watch Joe Rogan taste Buffalo Trace whiskey samples below:

The former UFC fighter conducted the whiskey tasting session on the podcast so that Rogan could choose his favorite as his gift. The comedian tasted four samples of the Buffalo Trace during the segment.

Out of the four whiskeys Rogan tasted during the segment, the podcast host chose sample number two as his favorite. The whiskey he chose was a two-year and eight month old aged blend.

However, during the podcast, the 55-year-old stated that he was not good at differentiating the tastes and felt that all the samples tasted more or less the same. Nevertheless, he clarified that all of them tasted extremely good:

"They're all the same... I can't tell the difference. They are all great."

Joe Rogan roasts Brendan Schaub's whiskey's name

During the September 3 Fight Companion edition of JRE, the UFC commentator called out the name of Brendan Schaub's new whiskey, Tiger Thiccc. Rogan stated that even though the whiskey was extremely good, the name of the product was embarrassing:

"It really is good. Just come up with a better name... Just maybe not the thiccc part... Just something that doesn't make me embarrassed to tell people what it is."

Schaub jokingly responded to Rogan's banter by asking whether the podcaster would rather have the whiskey named Tiger Trace or Jack Thicc, hinting at the 55-year-old's affinity towards Buffalo Trace and Jack Daniels whiskeys.

Brendan Schaub's Tiger Thiccc is a unique blend of American bourbon and Japanese whiskey. The liquor is 55% Indiana Burbon and 45% Japanese Whiskey.

Watch the full episode below:

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