The Fire Force manga is in a very interesting position due to the situation the David Production anime adaptation finds itself in. Despite the fact that a third season of Shinra's story has been confirmed for over a year, there is no sign that the series is progressing. Because of that, the manga is gaining more and more attention as people want to know what happened with Fire Force.
The great thing about the Fire Force manga is the fact that it concluded in February of 2022. So people who have loved the anime can read the whole story again as the newcomers get the complete series as well. This is great because Atsushi Ohkubo, of Soul Eater fame, is one of the most underrated mangakas in the business and this series is his magnum opus.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Fire Force manga.
The Fire Force manga is currently available on Kodansha's manga app, K Manga. For those unaware, Kodansha is the series' publishing company and, through this app, people can read all the series in their catalog.
For people who are interested in the series and prefer physical copies, Amazon is the best way to go. The platform currently has the entire series in both physical copies and Kindle, plus there are a couple of omnibus available, as of this writing, which is always a nice purchase option.
The story takes place in an alternate reality to the modern world where there was an event called the Great Cataclysm many years ago and many areas of the entire world were burnt to a crisp because of it. Due to the destruction of most of the Earth, there was a Japanese Empire where people could live. This fire culture eventually led to the creation of a brigade in the present day called Fire Force, who have to deal with humans that turn into demonic-like entities called "Infernos".
With this backdrop, the main character of the series, Shinra, is introduced and he is a fire user from the third generation and can create flames through his footprints. He joins Fire Force in the hopes of helping society but as the story progresses, he discovers that there is a lot more to the fire that killed his family many years ago. The fire also reportedly has a religious backdrop playing a major role in his life and many other major plot points in the story.
The Fire Force manga stands out for having a very clear and straightforward story while engaging with the audience through the deep lore and world-building that it has. Ohkubo stands out as a manga author in this series for strong characterization, such as Shinra and Arthur's friendship, and how he manages to create some of the best fighting choreographies in the business.
The Fire Force manga could very well be one of the most underrated series of the last decade and Shinra's journey, going through major conspiracies and challenges, becomes a joy to behold as he progresses. There is much to like about the series and deserves all the praise it has gotten.
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